The Ugly Face of the Porn Industry

The adult entertainment industry, fondly called the porn industry, is a $10 billion a year industry. Yes, that’s right, $10 billion. There is no doubt that selling sex would be such a moneymaker; it is the world’s oldest profession. In the last two decades, pornography has become less taboo and more widely accepted by the general public. They might as well get used to it because it sure isn’t going anywhere! Continue reading

Why I Hate Porn

The New American Webster Dictionary defines pornography as obscene art, writings, etc. Pornography is defined as something obscene, yet it is a billion dollar business. In 2006, the porn industry brought in over 13 billion dollars in revenue. Statistics further show that every 39 minutes there is a new pornographic video being created in the United States and there are 4.2 million pornographic websites available on the Internet. How can something so obscene capture the attention of so many? The answer is that porn appeals to our imaginations. Continue reading

Is Porn a Victimless Crime?

Gone are the days of porn being simply a magazine or two that is scanned quickly and thrown under a bed. In today’s world, porn floods the market. There are porn stores that cater to crowds of people, pornography books, magazine, fetish clubs and most disturbingly an ever growing enormous number of web sites devoted to porn. For some people, the overwhelming onslaught of so many easily accessible ways to view pornography can lead to disturbing behavior. Some may argue that viewing or reading porn does not hurt anyone; that is a misrepresentation of the truth. Continue reading

Women and Porn Industry: the Reasons

There are many reasons why a woman may enter the porn industry. To find out these reasons we must go right to the source. Why not ask a famous woman porn star why she does it. Ask why she would want to make a living out of having sex. Many female porn stars have said that they are in the industry because of the money. Porn is a billion dollar industry as money is made through the selling of pornography magazines and movies. Plus the internet is a huge money maker for the porn industry. There are thousands of websites that offer pornographic videos, pictures and even stream live web-cams. Depending on what you wish to see you can watch live footage of people having sex or engaging in other sexual acts. There is also a big market in the phone sex industry. Porn is literally everywhere.
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