Long depression

Everyone feels sad, fed up or miserable sometimes. But for some people, depression goes on for longer, and becomes so severe that they find it hard to carry on with their normal lives.
When depression gets serious, it’s called “clinical” depression. People experience symptoms like having no pleasure in life, withdrawing from other people, anxiety, problems concentrating, and deep feelings of being worthless or hopeless. There can also be physical symptoms like changes in sleeping patterns, and changes in eating patterns. People feel bleak and helpless and sometimes they want to harm themselves. Continue reading

PPD – You Should Cope With It

Nearly eight in every ten women is affected by post partum depression (PPD). PPD is treatable but many women do not know the symptoms and therefore miss getting the help they need. Feelings of sadness or a sense of depression can cause a new mother to feel alone and confused. The first year after childbirth is when postpartum depression usually occurs. Some women experience a mild feeling of the blues and others are thrown into the pitfalls of a deep depression. Postpartum depression can be quite severe for some sufferers but mild for others. If you know the symptoms though, you will be able to seek out medical help. Your family and friends can assist you through this difficult time.
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When I was 19 I had a good job, great salary, and a company car. I thought life was turning out fine. Then, suddenly, the company I was working for laid people off and I lost my job. Things started going wrong from that point on. Continue reading

Self harm

Self harm is the carrying out of intentional acts which harm your body. Self harm is usually a way of trying to deal with feelings of distress or pain which have built up and up and which the person doesn’t feel they can express in other ways. People can turn to self harm as a way of trying to get control over painful feelings, to punish themselves, or to try to “wake themselves up” because they feel numb or dead inside. Continue reading

Obsessive compulsive disorder

People with obsessive compulsive disorder experience repeated, unwanted and unpleasant thoughts, or feel driven to carry out certain actions over and over again. Continue reading

History Jo.

Things started to go wrong for me when I was about 7. I was getting into trouble at school – like walking out of the classroom and not listening. I didn’t know why I was doing it, and most of my teachers thought I was just disruptive. I remember feeling really bad about it but I couldn’t stop myself. Nobody asked about my feelings or tried to talk to me. I changed schools a lot and found it hard to make friends. Continue reading