
PPD – You Should Cope With It

Nearly eight in every ten women is affected by post partum depression (PPD). PPD is treatable but many women do not know the symptoms and therefore miss getting the help they need. Feelings of sadness or a sense of depression can cause a new mother to feel alone and confused. The first year after childbirth is when postpartum depression usually occurs. Some women experience a mild feeling of the blues and others are thrown into the pitfalls of a deep depression. Postpartum depression can be quite severe for some sufferers but mild for others. If you know the symptoms though, you will be able to seek out medical help. Your family and friends can assist you through this difficult time.

Experts still do not know what causes postpartum depression. There are many factors that can lead to this. These factors include: a difficult pregnancy, high levels of stress, a personal or family history of depression, sudden changes in routines, feeling alone, and lack of sleep, loss of freedom, a difficult birth, medical problems and changes in hormone levels. All pregnant women face one or more of these contributing factors. If you notice that you are not only dealing with these factors but are also depressed you should contact your doctor. Your doctor can discuss postpartum depression with you and various treatment options. Having a baby is a joyous time and none of us want to be robbed of this blissful experience.

Any woman, who is pregnant, has recently had a baby, has stopped breast-feeding or has ended a pregnancy or miscarried is at risk for postpartum depression. Women of all ages, economic background and races may experience this type of depression. PPD does not just target one particular group; instead every woman is at risk.

The symptoms of PPD may occur during pregnancy or after giving birth. The most common symptoms are: trouble sleeping, sleeping too much, feeling irritable, angry or nervous, changes in appetite, feeling exhausted, not enjoying life as much, lack of interest in friends and family, lack of interest in the baby, lack of interest in sex, feeling hopeless, feeling guilty or worthless, crying uncontrollably, trouble concentrating, feeling as if you are a bad mother, thoughts of harming the baby or harming yourself or low energy levels. Some of these symptoms can be mild and others can be extreme. Most women do experience one or more of these symptoms during their pregnancy and after giving birth.

Pregnancy is such an exciting time in a person’s life. A baby is a miracle from the moment of conception to the time that they are born. Postpartum depression can severely affect how a woman feels towards her baby. Some extreme cases of PPD have caused a woman to harm her baby. In some tragic cases this has caused the death of the baby or the mother or both. Everyone should know the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression. PPD is treatable and oftentimes only a temporary form of depression. If you are experiencing a mild case of the blues or are suffering from severe depression call your doctor and discuss your options. Experience the joy of motherhood without the complication of PPD.

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