What you need to know to help safeguard your child

The mere mention of child molestation strikes us with fear. Our first response is likely to be one of denial: this could never happen in my family – I don’t have to be concerned about this in my community. We have been using denial, as individuals and as a society, to escape the truth, at great expense to our children. Continue reading

What To Do If You Have Been Raped, and Prevention Tips

Rape is the usual word for the act of one person forcing another to have sex. Rape is one of the most horrible things to happen to a person. It is not only painful and traumatic, but it is hard to forget. Men and women can be raped. Men and women can be rapists, although it’s mostly men. Women rapists tend to stick objects painfully into the genitals and anus of their mostly female victims. If you remember nothing else of this article, please remember this – rape is not the victim’s fault. It’s the fault of the rapist only. Continue reading

Got an Abusive Relationship? Stop it!

There are not many more difficult situations to get out of than that of an abusive relationship. Some might think that physical or even sexual abuse, the kind that is evident, is the most destructive, but research suggests otherwise.
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