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Italian charms: What are they? Why are they so popular?

A bracelet with Italian charms allows the wearer to display a series of linked charms. When the bracelet owner gets a new charm, then he or she can simply undo a link and add the new charm. The owner of a bracelet with Italian charms also has the ability to remove charms. The removal of an Italian charm generally prefaces an exchange of charms. Continue reading

Teenagers and piercing

The majority of customers in a piercing facility have not yet celebrated their twentieth birthday. Their interest in a body piercing underlines the connection between the teenage mentality and the drive to exhibit out-of-the-ordinary behavior. Any effort to address the topic of “teenagers and piercing” should begin with an examination of that connection. Continue reading

Lack of sexual interest

A few people experience very little sexual drive, even in new romantic relationships. But most of us are obsessed with sex in the early infatuation stages of a relationship. We eagerly spend hours every day touching, kissing, holding, fondling, and sexually arousing our new love. Yet, after a few years, the burning interest wanes. Sex becomes routine. Why? We don’t understand it, but it happens to all of us to some extent, e.g. the frequency of intercourse declines from once a day (for a short while) to once a week years later. It is an expected transformation. The change is so gradual we hardly notice it. Suddenly we realize that the person who once drove us crazy can undress in front of us and we hardly notice. Some people go for weeks without wanting sex, some reject their partner’s advances. Continue reading

Talking to Our Children About Sexuality

Easy!! How can talking about sex with your child possibly be easy? At first it may not be but with continued discussion and use of proper language it will get easier especially if your child is still young enough that the usual social taboos surrounding sexuality have not yet affected him/her. But how to start? In this article and more to follow we will relate some of our “Tips to Talk” to your children. Picture this: Your child poses the question “Where does a baby come from?”. The general method of answering all your child’s questions follows the acronym LAST. Continue reading

Dealing With Specific Sexual Problems

There is a tendency to think “I’m the only one who has this sexual problem or thought.” In a society were youth and beauty are worshiped, one may also think “young people are great in bed; old people have sexual problems (or no sex at all).” In reality, about 30% of all males and 40% of all females sometimes lack sexual desire, 37% of college students have trouble occasionally getting an erection or getting lubricated, 30% or more of sexually active college women don’t orgasm regularly, 23% of college men ejaculate too soon, and 20% or more of both sexes have doubts about their sexual adequacy (Koch, 1982; Rubenstein, 1983). So our sexually liberated society hasn’t freed us from sexual worries, it may multiply them. But, there’s hope, 75% of the elderly, who are still sexually active, say lovemaking gets better with the years (Starr & Weiner, 1982).
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Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is also sometimes known as’manic depression’. One of the main features of bipolar disorder is extreme changes in mood – much more than is usual. People go through periods of feeling incredibly “high”, happy (or manic), and very “low” or depressed. These periods can go on for weeks, or even months. Continue reading

Why I Hate Porn

The New American Webster Dictionary defines pornography as obscene art, writings, etc. Pornography is defined as something obscene, yet it is a billion dollar business. In 2006, the porn industry brought in over 13 billion dollars in revenue. Statistics further show that every 39 minutes there is a new pornographic video being created in the United States and there are 4.2 million pornographic websites available on the Internet. How can something so obscene capture the attention of so many? The answer is that porn appeals to our imaginations. Continue reading

Spending Time with Families

Some of my best childhood memories are those of spending time with my family. We would sit around the dining room table playing games such as Rummy, Royal Rummy, Pay Day, and Chinese checkers. On the nights that Grandma babysat, we would play 20 questions, I spy or charades. We didn’t take family vacations, but we did take day trips. On the Fourth of July, we would travel to Wisconsin Dells. There was annual trip to the zoo and we would always spend at least one day at the County Fair each summer. I can remember those days like they were yesterday. Spending time with my family was an important part of my childhood. Continue reading

From Best Friends to More

Since before kindergarten, you’ve been best friends with the boy next door. Both sets of parents have encouraged it and you’ve spent a lot of time together as a result. When school began, you walked the six blocks to and from school, you ate at each other’s home and you spent time together while your parents had barbecue’s and even sat together in Sunday school class. One day after school you came home with a new diamond wedding band. Showing it to your mother with pride, she immediately takes the very expensive ring back to his mother. The next day, you get a stretchable gummy ring and the promise to be your boyfriend forever. Continue reading

Female Body Development

Puberty is the most confusing time during the span of life that many individuals experience. The body is doing one thing, the mind is going another direction, and what actions come from the person do not coincide with what is happening to them. It is the equivalent of being put into a hormonal and physical blender. Continue reading