August 3rd, 2007 / Etiquette on Your Date /
We have all heard the term “men are from Mars and women are from Venus” and in most cases many would agree! When it comes to dating there seems to be a high failure rate because women have certain expectations of the date and sometimes men are not living up to these expectations, simply because they don’t know what women are looking for. Continue reading
July 11th, 2007 / Sex alternatives /
Healthy sexual intimacy is an important part of a strong relationship. For some that is the only time they feel connected to their mate. Having a fun and fulfilling life with each other outside of the bedroom is just as important as inside. Planning a fun evening can sometimes be a chore but there are many things that you can do with your mate that don’t require a lot of thought or effort. Whether you and your partner need to reconnect or you are just looking for a fun night together take the initiative to plan a night that you’ll both enjoy. Many times looking to the simple and basic things can be the most difficult but can be the most rewarding. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Flirting and The Chase /
Once in a while, you might be walking along, minding your own business and then bam!
It feels like you have been hit by something. You stop and your head whirls. You feel sick to your stomach and start shaking. Then, after a few seconds you are able to compose yourself and look back toward the source of your distress. Who is that person over there? You peek curiously that way and watch. Yes, that person looks like someone you want to get to know. How will you ever succeed in getting their attention directed your way? You need to come up with a good method of flirting and get to work. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Relationship Start /
Sometimes it seems like men are from a different planet altogether especially when you are trying to start a relationship with them. Do not give up hope though because guys can be better understood with a bit of a relationship breakdown. It is tough when you are first starting a relationship because you have no idea what to expect. You are unsure of whether this could be a lifetime partnership or a relationship that lasts for the duration of a few months. The good news is that relationships are not easy for anyone. So there is no reason to feel like you are the only one struggling. One of the hardest hurdles to climb is the definition of whether you are in an exclusive relationship or more of a friendship. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Flirting and The Chase /
Many people who are single and dating will often meet a lot of people and inevitably go on many dates. Those who are not serious about meeting someone with relationship potential will often limit themselves to dating likeminded people; those who are looking for casual get-togethers and flings. It is often considered to be morally wrong to date while looking for the chase if the other person involved does not know that you have no intention of becoming serious with them. Continue reading
April 7th, 2007 / Etiquette on Your Date /
How many people feel they have made mistakes on the first date and don’t know where they went wrong? I bet the actual number would surprise you. There are a lot of people who don’t understand where a first date went wrong. There have been books, articles, movies created on first date etiquette. Some have very strong points and others are a little laughable. Dating etiquette is a varied topic, below are some things I consider when going on a first date.
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April 1st, 2007 / Relationship Start /
When you meet someone that you realize you’re going to have the opportunity to date, there’s a few standard thoughts that should go through your mind, pretty much centering around self-preservation and the avoidance of incarceration in a correctional facility. If you see any of the following attributes in your prospective “significant other”, run, don’t walk, the other way. Continue reading
April 1st, 2007 / Etiquette on Your Date /
The ritual of dating goes back many centuries. In fact, in many countries such as Japan, dating is organized. In Japan, there are many group dates or the parents arrange dates for their children. Moreover, sometimes a matchmaker is hired to set up a couple on a date. Dating can be both an exciting and nerve racking for people at any age. Continue reading